Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church
About Us
A family of believers seeking the truth and the life

Our Preamble

We, the members of Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church, believe in Jesus Christ to the Savior and liberator of humankind, do join together in forming a Christian body, dedicated to enhancing the spirituality of the dispirited, restoring dignity to the disinherited, and bringing justice to the oppressed; with our first responsibility toward God in worship and study, then towards the people in discovering and presenting the meaning of the Gospel for our times; and in order to be the Church offer to invest our humanity in the causes of Christ though: the institution of justice and peace; the elimination of racism, oppression, poverty; through the unification of families; and all other societal changes necessary for the affirmation personhood as children of God.

Benediction: Get to Steppin’

“I charge you to:
      Get to steppin’…
            Out into the world,
            Where God is preceding you.
      Get to steppin’…
             Into the Church,                                     Make it the Church of Jesus               Christ.
      Get to steppin’…
             Outside yourselves,
             And be people for others.
      And now…
             May the justice of God
             and the liberation of Jesus                   Christ, and the militant                       action of the Holy Spirit
             Be with you all
             Now and forever more.

            Right on!

Rev Dr H. Eugene Farlough Jr

Our Founding Pastor

The Reverend Dr. H. Eugene Farlough Jr. was born in New Orleans, LA and reared in Los Angeles, CA. He was the only child of Rev. Herman Farlough and his wife Willie Belle. He grew up in the Watts section of Los Angeles where he attended Fremont High School.

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Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church